I am really grateful for the group members that I had for this project. We gave a lot of time and dedication to making this film. I’m really proud of the outcome. Although, we faced a lot of challenges with the lighting, rearranging our schedule that way we could meet up, and with our actor. We watched a lot of videos on Youtube about the lighting which helps us a bit, but in reality when we were faced with the challenge that’s when we started to move around our lamps so that the shot would be clearer. We were often faced with a challenge when trying to correlate our schedules. Thankfully we got around it and were able to meet to create this amazing project. Our first actor wasn’t gonna be able to meet with us during spring break. One of the group members asked one of her friends, Fabrizio, Who was able to meet with us and was a pretty good actor. He made time for our filming sessions and was serious about doing a good job. We decided to change a sense at the end. We thought that it would be best if instead of filming the hanged up picture we would film him as if he was eating the heart. This was filmed using an over the shoulder shot of him moving the heart towards the camera as if it was his mouth and a close up of the side of his face as he is chewing. I had a lot of fun creating this project with my group members and I hope you guys enjoy it. The link to the video will be on one of my next posts.